
Indecision Should I or shouldn’t I? That proverbial crossroad that meets us from time to time where you can make the right decision, wrong decision, or no decision (and, when you make no decision, you’ve actually made a decision). From the simple to the complex, I’ve encountered that crossroad multiple times and grappled with myself,…


Authenticity Her resolve is mindboggling. When faced with circumstances that would have most of us shrinking, she confronts them with an attitude that speaks – rather, it shouts – “I am an overcomer!” Most would describe her as down-to-earth, solid, resolute. A level-headed, strong-willed woman with a dogged determination that mountains were meant to be…


Jealousy For more than 15 years I have been praying for a new home in the mountains, and to this minute it has yet to come to pass. My desires for a new home have been deterred by a shifting economy, an amazing influx of people with deep pockets moving to my state, ever-climbing home…


Offense Birthdays offer a reason to celebrate.  And some birthdays are more significant than others—those we call milestones or the “Big” 4-O, 5-O, etc. Having had both the “Big” 4-O and 5-O, I must admit neither passed with much brouhaha. I don’t recall either being spent on my birth date; in fact, since my three…


Wisdom After investing hundreds of hours in a work-related project outside the office, which had been assigned to me through assimilation, I received a gift certificate from my boss for $50. Though not one to be confrontational or given to angry outbursts, I suffered silently, but nonetheless indignant and insulted, I decided to let my…


ABANDONED I am fortunate to have a sister-in-law who has become one of my closest friends. She is possibly the most upbeat and self-assured person I’ve ever met. Her intelligence, wit, and advice have helped me through many valleys in my life, and I’ve found myself relying on her many times for common-sense approaches to…