One More Blesson shines the spotlight on real-life experiences, challenges, inspirations, defeats, trials, and tests.


One of my high school classmates wrote in my Senior yearbook, “The world is the teacher and I the student.” Reflecting on that statement, I agree that the world can teach us many things. As a Christian, I believe that God is my ultimate teacher because His lessons are infinite.

Sometimes, a lesson has to be taught again, if we’ve failed to learn the intended instruction. There is no flunking in God’s school. We just have to experience the same lesson until the intended result is reached.


Life is designed to teach us something new each day. Most of what we learn is easily mastered; however, some lessons are particularly challenging. Perhaps you’ve encountered monumental crossroads where the direction you took lead to life-altering results. Maybe you made a mistake that profoundly affected others and the lesson had serious consequences. Or, a friend shared a personal experience that has had a lasting impact on your growth.

One More Blesson shines the spotlight on real-life experiences, challenges, inspirations, defeats, trials, tests, etc. You’ll witness the struggles that have been encountered while groping through the darkness of untested waters. And you’ll see how God’s promises are kept as He lights the path toward resolution; that peaceful place where we realize there is a Blessing in every Lesson, aka Blesson!