
APPRECIATION They’re two of the most hard-working individuals I’ve ever known, and they are committed to doing each and every job with excellence. Their work leaves them exhausted, but their clients love what they do, so they’re frequently referred to others. They commonly go above and beyond for their clients, often doing more than they’ve been…


REST Nancy Wilson was one of my parents’ favorite vocalists, and as I recount yesterday’s repeated pitfalls, I am reminded of some words from one of her songs, The Saga of Bill Bailey. The beginning went something like this: I floated cornflakes in my coffee;The coffee grounds are wrapped in silk.My piggy bank is full…


Quid Pro Quo (Definition: The giving of one valuable thing for another. Equal substitution. Equal exchange. Tradeoff.) There was a time in my life when someone who did something for another walked away feeling appreciated. Phrases like “I owe you one!”, “How can I ever thank you?”, “I hope someday I can return the favor”…


PATIENCE Warning!  What you’re about to read may be hazardous to getting what you want when you want it. Quite honestly, if I were to put my list of wants beside my list of haves, the former would far outweigh the latter. For the longest time, I couldn’t understand why. When I saw others being…