LTM* *Little Things Matter. Last week I was given a project that included mailing 80 one-pound books to individual addresses so they would arrive within a 2-day timeframe. Among several pieces that were integral to the success of this task, was the transporting of several boxes of books. I prepared myself to do a lot…


REFLECTION I remember meeting this guy a couple of years ago when I’d been invited to a casual, spontaneous dinner. He was crude, foul-mouthed, opinionated, and crass. I immediately disliked him. And, I liked him even less when I saw him at another function months later, and he made some off-color joke about me, and…


WORDS “I’m dying for a piece of that chocolate cake!” “I’d give anything for hair like that!” “That drives me crazy!” “I can’t stand…!” “Shut up!” “I’m too fat/too skinny/too short/too tall…” ”You are such an idiot!” “I don’t care.” “I’ll never get out of debt.” “Sorry, but…” “I’m stupid/dumb/ugly…” “You don’t know what you’re…


Perception My siblings and I were so excited because one of us who drew the “lucky” number out of a hat would accompany our father on a hot air balloon ride the next morning in honor of Father’s Day. One of my sisters drew the number and we made plans to meet at the launching…